Membership application


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    NO. PROTOCOL c: ..............................
    DATE OF APPLICATION c: .......................

    The applicant

    a It is clarified below in Article VI of Statute §4.
    b It is clarified below in Article VI of Statute §1-3.
    c It is completed by the secretariat of the EU SHIPSAN ASSOCIATION

    Article VI of Statute (Registration number 17/30-3-2018)
    Members’ Classification

    There exist three categories of members of the Association: ordinary members, observers and honorary members.
    §1 Ordinary members are called all the founding members of the Association; ordinary members are also called all persons participating in the Association after its establishment, provided that they are able and willing to support both scientifically and materially the implementation of the statutory purposes.
    §2 Observers are called all persons whose status as ordinary members has been terminated but they remain willing and able to support materially and scientifically the implementation of the statutory purposes. Observers are also called persons participating in the Association after its establishment, who are able and willing to support both scientifically and materially the implementation of the statutory purposes and cannot participate as ordinary members. Observer members have no voting rights.
    §3 Honorary members are called all internationally distinguished persons of outstanding moral and scientific status that the GC decides to nominate as such through an official ceremony of proclamation.
    §4 Persons whose primary professional activity relates to commercial, industrial and/or for-profit legal entities are barred from participating as ordinary members in the association. The same rules apply to persons or entities being in a situation of conflict of interest vis-à-vis the Association’s legitimate interests and purposes. Ordinary, members found in conflict of interest automatically forfeit their capacity as ordinary members of the Association. A resolution of the GC can be adopted concerning the automatic loss of the said capacity; however, such a resolution is purely declarative and evidentiary in its nature.
    §5 All ordinary members that, subsequent to their acceptance in the Association, as their primary profession, commence or get involved in any kind of activity, commercial or profitable in its nature, relating to the purposes and functions of the Association, forfeit automatically their capacity as ordinary members. Per force of a resolution of the GC they may be enlisted as observers instead of ordinary members.

    For query do not hesitate to contact us by email ( phone.